Conference Housing and Registration
Posted 3/20/2025
We are planning on opening conference registration and housing on March 26th. Please do not call any of the hotels before the housing opens. If you have any housing or registration questions, please let us know. We may offer meals again on at least one day, but the price will increase slightly. The conference workshops and Monday workshops lists are being finalized.
As a reminder, Conference Registration and membership have been increased to $350.
ATAT Tenure Awards
Posted 3/20/2025
The ATAT presents awards in honor of years of membership in the Agriculture Teachers Association. Awards are given in 5-year increments, starting with year 5 of membership and continuing until retirement. Awards are presented during the Professional Development Conference. Tenure awards are given in the year completed. If you feel you should be on the list this year and do not see your name please email Karen Jones at
2025 Proposed By Law Changes
Posted 1/29/2025
The board gave temporary approval for several by law changes that will be voted upon at conference this summer. If you have questions, please reach out to your board member.
Ag Teacher Brags
Posted 10/2/2024
Do you want to brag on a peer doing something special, or yourself? This is the place! Fill out this form, and we may give your submission a shout out on social media, Growing Our Future, or Teacher Talk.