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Ag Teacher Handbook      
NameDate AddedSize
Ag Teacher Handbook 4/8/2024 1119 KB

Ag Teacher Talk Podcast      

Ag Teacher Talks are hosted virtually by ATAT monthly. The purpose of these talks are to have monthly opportunity for discussions, professional development, and idea sharing amongst our members. Each Ag Teacher Talk is recorded and posted along with a summary of the talk and links to the resources discussed. 

If you have a suggested topic or area of need please suggest it here

2022-24 IBC Certification list      
NameDate AddedSize
AFNR Certifications by program of study 10/17/2023 89 KB
IBC - Programs of Study timeline for CCMR 2/27/2023 72 KB
IBC List 8/18/2022 757 KB
2019-22 sunsetted list of IBCs 8/19/2022 745 KB

SAE resources from AET      
Click on this link for Lesson Plans for SAE


Job Description of an Ag Teacher      
A teacher in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Cluster must perform many duties to facilitate a successful program.

Build Your own Ag Teacher Planner      
The life of an Ag Teacher is unique, and finding a teacher planner that encompasses the needs of an ag teacher can be difficult or expensive. Here is a "build your own" planner that can be used in conjunction with your ATAT Calendar. Mix and match the pages YOU need to help you stay organized this year. Print and bind and you have your very own custom planner that fits your needs. 

Useful Documents      
NameDate AddedSize
AFNR Pathways Posters - ICEV 10/27/2020 7384 KB
Ag Facility Recommendations Guide 9/19/2019 1022 KB
National Program Evaluation 2/10/2020 354 KB
Program Evaluation 2/10/2020 215 KB
shop safety contract 8/27/2021 31 KB
Student attendance accounting handbook 8/14/2024 4335 KB

State Adopted Textbook Materials List      
NameDate AddedSize
State Adopted Textbook List 5/22/2023 1067 KB

Advisory Committee Tools      
Advisory committees are intended to give the program instructor and the local administration input dealing with the direction of the program. They can help set the mission and goals of a program and help ensure the program is viable.

Raffles are popular money making tools for many organizations in Texas, including FFA Chapters and related entities. Under Texas law, a “raffle” consists of the awarding of one or more prizes by chance at a single occasion among a single pool or group of persons. 

Trips & Equipment      
We are finding schools that have changed their rules dealing with out-of-state trips and the use of school equipment on those trips. Make sure you understand your school district’s rules dealing with out-of-state trips.

School Email      
School computers and individual school emails are like any other school property. The use of them is for school activities and performing your day-to-day duties as a teacher in that school district.

UIL Side by Side Handbook      
NameDate AddedSize
UIL side by side 23-24 9/28/2023 6131 KB

Political Participation by FFA      
NameDate AddedSize
Political participation by FFA chapter 10/12/2021 178 KB

  Corporate Sponsors

  Links & Resources
Fall 2017 Agriculture Sector Info Sheet

  Ag Ed Summer Plan
Download and utilize the forms below to document plans for your summer agriculture education program. The form is an excellent tool to keep your school administration informed of your summer activities and events.
Summer Program Form
Summer Plans Excel Template
Why Extended Contracts for Agriculture Educators

  Association Sponsors
  Ducks Unlimited  

614 East 12th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: (512) 472-3128
Fax: (512) 472-0555
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