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Shall be elected by and from the membership of the Board of Directors

  • Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation.
  • Shall preside over all Board Meetings, Executive Committee meetings and all meetings of the full membership.
  • Call special meeting(s).
  • Appoint all regular and special committees.
  • Shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect.
  • General powers and duties of supervision and management.
  • Represent and speak for the Association at other agriculture and education conferences and meetings.
  • Attend NAAE national and regional conferences and ACTE Convention.

  • Vice President      
    Shall be elected by and from the membership of the Board of Directors.

  • Shall attend all meetings of the Board, Executive Committee, and special meetings of the full membership of the Association.
  • In the absence or disability of the president, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president.
  • Serve as chairperson of the Legislative Committee.
  • Attend the NAAE National and Regional Conference and the ACTE convention.
  • Other duties as assigned by the President. 

  • Secretary/Treasurer      
    Shall be elected by and from the membership of the Board of Directors.

  • Shall attend all meetings of the Board, Executive Committee, and special meetings of the full membership of the Association.
  • Shall record all votes taking place.
  • Serve as Chairperson of the Budget Committee.
  • Counter-sign all Association “Operating Account” checks.
  • Attend the NAAE National and Regional Conference and the ACTE convention.
  • Shall give all notices of meetings of the board, annual and special meeting of the full membership of the Association.
  • Shall keep safely the seal of the Corporation and shall have the authority to affix it to all instruments.
  • Give Treasurer’s Report during Board Meetings.
  • Other duties as assigned by the President. 

  • Immediate Past President      
  • The President remains a Board of Directors member for one year following his/her term of office, as a Director-at-large. As a Director-at-large, he/she would not count in Area quota of directors unless he/she reelected him to another full term, or he/she had time left in Directorship.
  • As Director-at-large he/she would also attend the NAAE, ACTE and Region II NAAE Leadership Conference, if he/she is still an Agriculture Science Teacher.
  • After serving one year as past president he/she will serve as chairperson of the FFA Board of Directors.

  • Past Past President      

    The Past Past President will serve as the Chairman of the Texas FFA Board of Directors.

    As Director-at-large he/she would also attend the NAAE, ACTE and Region II NAAE Leadership Conference, if he/she is still an Agriculture Science Teacher.

    Board Members      
  • Serve on the Association Standing Committees as assigned by the President and or special committees as deemed necessary to carry out the organization’s program of work.
  • Encourage membership of NAAE and ACTE among the members.
  • Other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the President.
  • Attend the annual Mid-Year meeting and the annual board of directors meeting at the Agriculture Teachers Association Conference. If unable to attend needs to secure a replacement from their area to carry on business.

      Corporate Sponsors

      Term of Office for Board Members
    That retiring Board of Directors members’ term extends through all meetings of the Board during the Conference when new directors are elected. New directors would participate in the meetings in a learning capacity, except when replacing a director not present in which case they would vote and represent their area. (As provided by Board policy August 7, 1962).

      Association Sponsors
      Ag Workers  

    614 East 12th Street
    Austin, TX 78701
    Phone: (512) 472-3128
    Fax: (512) 472-0555
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