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  Professional Mentor Program  
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New teachers entering any discipline in the public schools of Texas face many challenges. Classroom management, managing relationships with students, parents, and administrators, balancing home and work life, and simply adjusting to the demands of a career after spending many years as a student, all contribute to the stress a new teacher faces.  

A beginning agriculture teacher has all of the preceding issues to deal with, as well as managing a sometimes overwhelming FFA program, complete with livestock show and project center responsibilities, possibly dealing with a booster club, to go along with many competitive leadership and judging activities. 

As a result of all the factors just mentioned, and a growing demand for agriculture teachers, it is becoming increasingly difficult to locate highly effective young teachers to replace those leaving the profession. Many young teachers leave the profession discouraged, burned out, and disappointed after a year or two in the classroom. We may be seeing the beginning of our profession not being able to meet the demand for replacements.

The Agriculture Teachers Association has decided to take action and has established a program Fall 2017 for professional mentors/mentees. This program, conceived and supported by stakeholders in our profession, has received attention by TEA staff, university professionals, school administrators, ESC staff, and both current and former agriculture teachers.

Many mentor programs utilize peer to peer mentoring using current teachers to mentor new teachers. While there are some valuable programs using this model, the Agriculture Teachers Association plan is somewhat different. We utilize retired master teachers that still have the passion for our profession to work with one or two mentees each.

The basic organization of the program includes careful selection of the Mentors, with the expectation that they make several on-site visits during the mentee’s first year on the job. New teachers and their school district filled out a simple application indicating their interest, and were selected based on need. The mentors observe the mentee teaching class, facilitate a teacher/administrator meeting, and work with the young teacher on a variety of topics of interest. There is also on-going email, electronic, and phone calls during the course of the year. 

Application timeline: Opens May 1st - Closes August 1st  

Mentee Application 

Administrator Agreement 

Many of our ATAT Board members has graciously volunteered to be a mentor to any teacher in their areas. Please see those available in your area if you find yourself needing any assistance through this school year. 

2024-2025 Board Mentors

Become a Mentor      

Many mentor programs utilize peer to peer mentoring using current teachers to mentor new teachers. While there are some valuable programs using this model, the ATAT plan is somewhat different. This is where you come in! We utilize retired master teachers that still have the passion for our profession to work with one or two mentees each.

 The base and strength of this program is the careful selection of mentors, with the expectation that they make at least two on-site visits during the mentee’s first year on the job, contact & log contact, and meetings with administration.

We are only able to add a small number of mentors each year. If selected, we do require for a background check to be completed. If you are interested in becoming an ATAT Mentor the deadline to apply is July 7th. 

ATAT Mentor Application - open May 1-July 7

ATAT Mentor Expectations

Other Useful Documents      
NameDate AddedSize
Major Stock Show Worksheet Example 9/18/2017 87 KB
SAE For All Teacher's Guide 11/1/2019 5083 KB
Status Report For Local Programs 9/6/2017 215 KB
Summer Plans Excel Template 9/19/2017 31 KB
Summer Program Form 9/19/2017 33 KB
TeachAg New Teacher Tips 8/31/2023 394 KB

  Corporate Sponsors

  Program Information
Mentor Expectations
Apply to be a Mentor
Mentor Program Flyer

  Association Sponsors

614 East 12th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: (512) 472-3128
Fax: (512) 472-0555
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